Ndinelao 'Nela' Shikemeni
Do you want to avoid stressful last-minute shopping on Christmas? The Gondwana Care Trust has great gift ideas that also serve a charitable purpose.
“Our Care Trust is driven by passion and is focused on making a difference in the lives of the less fortunate,” Gys Joubert (Gondwana Managing Director) said. ”In addition, it is humbling to see the passion from fellow Gondwanians through taking on various projects of the Trust and the companies that joined us, with a pursuit of changing lives.”
The Gondwana Care Trust supports a variety of projects across the country, and below are a few you can participate in:
‘The World Famous Sunbeam Collector’ book is part of a project that intends to light up the life of a schoolchild. The proceeds from this children's book are used to purchase solar lights to enable children to study during the evenings, as literacy is fundamental to economic development. The books are available for N$150.
The book ‘Chariots of Fire’ by Pompie Burger is aimed at the conservation of the Carmine Bee-eater colony close to Zambezi Mubala Lodge. It captivates the reader with wonderful and offers deep insights into the life of these colourful birds. The proceeds from this book go to supporting the Sikunga Fish Guards, who not only prevent illegal fishing on the Zambezi but also protect the sensitive riverine ecosystem including the Carmine Bee-eater colony. The books are available for N$400 (soft cover).
And last but not least, the Christmas Bag project is a creative collaboration through which donors can buy a personalised bag for a school child. The bag contains a starter stationary pack and basic hygienic goods. In addition, each bag is personalised to the needs of the child according to the list that the Care Trust received from the schools or hostels. The Trust then distributes the bags to the various charities and schools. The bags are available for N$200, so please sponsor a bag for a child this Christmas.
When staying at Gondwana properties or making your booking at Gondwana House you can support a child by purchasing and donating a Christmas Bag, or purchase The World Famous Sunbeam Collector book or the Chariots of Fire book, as acts of kindness make a difference in others’ lives.
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